Makeup Artist Los Angeles | The Ceremony Short Film

Makeup Artist Los Angeles | The Ceremony Short Film

As a makeup artist Los Angeles, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Addie Doyle and Lee Hurst on their “The Ceremony” short film. I was the key makeup artist and hairstylist on this project.

Addie Doyle is an LA-based actress and filmmaker whose work has been featured at Chelsea Film Festival, New York Short Film Festival, Independent Shorts Festival, and jellyFest. She spent her youth performing in a dance company in Boston, and now acts, sings, writes, and produces in Los Angeles. She graduated with honors from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts.

Lee Hurst is a New York-based actor, writer, and comedian, a seen on @comedycentral @elitedaily @refinery29 and on @galore. She is the winner of the JD Power Award for the last three years in a row as well.

About “The Ceremony”: A dinner party between the two leaders of a cult goes awry as they talk about power and the direction of their cult. It will screen in 2021. As an LA-based makeup artist, I created an old Hollywood hair and makeup look for the actresses during this 3 overnight short film production.

Our director was Jeremy Stewart, he likes surreal, dark, magical, and fantastical things. Modern myths, folklore, re-interpretations of stories we’ve all heard before. You can watch the trailer here:

I had an amazing time working with Addie Doyle, and Lee Hurst as a makeup artist Los Angeles, I hope to create a long-lasting relationship with them for the future.

I constantly post about hair and makeup trends, please visit my makeup artist Los Angeles page here:

To see more of my work please visit my portfolio page here:


Client: Addie Doyle

Production Company: North Node Productions

Director: Jeremy Stewart

Key Makeup Artist and Hairstylist: Luca Buzas

Los Angeles Personal Stylist | Nike Personal Styling Experience

Los Angeles Personal Stylist | Nike Personal Styling Experience

As a Los Angeles personal stylist, I got hired by Deloitte Digital company to work on a Nike Personal Styling Experience video campaign. We worked on this shoot for 1 day in Los Angeles, California. During this Nike shoot, I styled 1 talent throughout multiple wardrobe changes, all the clothes were provided by the client.

Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area.

Let me tell you about the Nike Personal Styling Experience: live chat service that hooks you up with one of our expert Nike Personal Stylists. She’ll create a personalized look for you based on your performance needs and personal style.

As a Los Angeles personal stylist, I help clients achieve their desired looks by aiding them in the selection of personal style items, such as clothes and shoes. Same as me, many personal stylists, shoppers are self-employed consultants, usually working as freelance.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services network. Deloitte is one of the “Big Four” accounting organizations and the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and number of professionals with headquarters in London, United Kingdom.

I had a great time working with Deloitte Digital and Nike‘s Personal Styling Experience team as a personal stylist and hope to create a lasting business relationship with them for the future.

I constantly post about wardrobe trends, please visit my Los Angeles personal stylist page here:

To see more of my work please visit my portfolio page here:


Client: Nike

Agency: Deloitte Digital
Wardrobe Stylist and Hair-Makeup Artist: Luca Buzas


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